Personal data policy

Personal data processing

Managing personal data and ensuring the data security of our customers is extremely important to us, and we wish to clarify how we work in this area so that you can feel secure in sharing your personal data with us.

All personal data we collect and process is managed in line with applicable legislation and provisions. On this page, we have provided an overview of the purpose and legal basis for Golfmetrics LLC processing your personal data, and the rights you have as a customer in this respect.

The party responsible for this website ( and for the collection of personal data is:

Golfmetrics LLC
Adress row 1
Adress row 1
US-XX XXX Location, Country
Corp. reg. no.: XXXXXX-XXXX

On this page, we provide an overview of how Golfmetrics LLC processes personal data and what rights you have as a customer in this regard. Personal data is defined as all types of information that directly or indirectly can be used to identify you as a person.

What data do we collect and when?

We collect data about you when you visit our website and fill in a form, or when you share information with us at trade fairs and industry events. Your consent to sharing the information forms the legal basis for this processing.

When you visit our website, information is logged about you and how you use the website, including which pages you visit and on what device. All this information is anonymised, and you can yourself control via our cookie settings what you allow us to collect. Our legitimate interest in developing and optimising our website forms the legal basis for this processing.

If you would like more information on the data we have stored about you, or would like us to delete it, you can contact us by email at

What do we use the data for?

We use your data to provide the information you have ordered, including newsletters, press releases, product information or similar, and to optimise our products and services.

Personal data protection

Our aim is to safeguard privacy and take all the technical and organisational measures necessary to protect your personal data. It is important for us to ensure that processing takes place in line with applicable data protection legislation and internal guidelines, policies and procedures for managing personal data. This means that only those individuals requiring access to the data in order to carry out their work tasks have access to it. We have agreements with systems suppliers, and ensure that your personal data is managed correctly and in line with applicable agreements to maintain a high level of privacy protection.

Your rights

If we have registered your personal data in our register, according to the regulations you have the right to request:

Information on what data about you we have stored.
That incorrect or incomplete data be corrected.
That we delete your data. Note that this is only possible if we no longer need your data to meet our commitments and provided that there are no legal requirements for us to keep it.
A limited right to process stored information.
Your right to object to our processing of your personal data.
Your right to data portability.
Your right to file a complaint with your country’s data protection authority.
If personal data processing is based on your consent, you are entitled at any time to amend or withdraw your consent to future processing.

If you wish to exercise one or more of the rights described, you can send a signed document to our data controller at or to the Group Data Protection Officer (see contact details at the bottom of this page).

When we receive a request from you as a data subject, we will make an assessment of any other legal requirements that may affect your rights.

How long do we keep your data?

We store your data for as long as we have a legal basis to do so, and as long as we still need it in order to provide the agreed service.

Personal data relating to minors

We do not deliberately collect personal data from people under 18.

Partners and third parties

Your personal data may be transferred to third parties in the scenario described below:

  • Transfer to supplier of IT systems – agreements with these have been drawn up and Golfmetrics LLCLC retains responsibility in relation to you as a customer.

Questions about personal data management

If you have any questions on the wording of this personal data declaration, you can contact the Group’s data officer by post or email.

Golfmetrics LLCLC
FAO: Data Protection Officer
Adress row 1
US-XX XXX Location, Country
Corp. reg. no.: XXXXXX-XXXX
or send an email to: :

Latest update

This personal data declaration was last updated on 1 June 2021.